Every child has his own rhythm, pace, capabilities, and
potentials. Each child has individual characteristics different than the other.
To become a
professional early childhood educator isn't that much of an easy
job. It requires us to be hardworking, caring, tolerant, and most
importantly endurance.
My role, as a future teacher, is that I guide my students and educate
them in a way that will help them enhance their learning and widen their
capabilitiesI learned from my university instructors that we as future teachers, and in collaboration with the parents, must be facilitators in children's learning in order to help them achieve their fullest potentials. In addition, children need real-life experiences, simulations, with real people, to truly benefit from the available technologies of the 21st century, and therefore; such technologies should be used to enhance the curriculum and experiences for children. Children have to have such experiences to help them become capable of being active members of their societies and develop their intellectual abilities.